Suwanee Meditation

How Meditation Helped Me Through Crises

Alan Levesque

The world changed so much in such a short span of time. We have multiple problems going on in the world and it’s affecting each of our lives so deeply right now. In a very short span of time, we’ve lost our jobs and our routines in life. We’ve been asked to stay home from school or to work from home. It’s hard to feel comfortable going out to a restaurant or shopping. It’s all crazy and it’s taking it’s toll on our collective emotional health and well-being. Some feel financial stress. Some have anxiety about the future. Some just can’t handle being cooped up in a tight space with family. These are all the reasons why I started this meditation…

I’m really grateful that this meditation has helped me to relax about everything. After only a few online sessions, I started to see the world and my life a bit differently. Through this meditation method, I began to realize that I’d forgotten or taken for granted the love of people around me. I let go of the stress and worry. Meditating has been like emotional medicine for all the crises going on and calmed my busy mind. I was hesitant to start, but now I can’t imagine going without. My hope is that anybody who is suffering during this stressful time in the world will try this meditation and find out that they don’t have to live suffering in silence.

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    Mon - Thu 10AM - 10PM
    Sat - Sun 10AM - 5PM

    *** In-person Meditation Hours
    Mon - Thu 12PM - 6PM
       Sat - Sun 12PM - 3PM

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    530 Highland Station Dr #2005
    Suwanee, GA 30024

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